Meet Us
If you would like your child to be baptised at St John’s, please get in touch with the office on 02 9971 8694. Lynette Johnson, our Baptism co-ordinator, will then arrange to meet with you and explain to you the steps needed for Baptism preparation here at St John’s (ie. enrolment for Baptism in one of the morning services and your attendance with Godparents at a Preparation session). Mutually convenient dates will be arranged with you for of all these activities.
Father Steven or Deacon Sandra will meet you, especially at the enrolment and again at the preparation class. Baptisms are generally held during the 10:00am service or at a separate service on a Sunday afternoon.
Baptism Preparation Team
Before a Baptism takes place, one or more members of this team meets with the parents and godparents and talks to them about Baptism – its meaning and the responsibilities involved in bringing a child for Baptism. They go through the service with the Parents and Godparents, explaining what will be happening and answering any questions.
At the actual Baptism, members of the team are there for support and to help welcome the newest member into the Family of Faith.
Adult Baptism
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) provides a wonderful opportunity to deepen faith and support the conversion of life and incorporation into the Body of Christ (which the Church is) which Holy Baptism offers. Contact Fr Steven if you are an adult interested in being prepared for Baptism, renewing or reactivating your baptismal commitment.