The first instrument in St John’s was installed in 1968 by Roger H. Pogson. This instrument contained six ranks extended to 22 stops. In 2014 these ranks were augmented with digital stops by Ian Sell of Virtual Pipe Organs, Australia (VPOA), who also built a new console. The new instrument has three manuals and 61 speaking stops. The organ was dedicated in May 2014 following a recital by the international recitalist, David Drury.
Chamber Organ
The Continuo Organ was also built by VPOA, and was dedicated in March 2020. It was purchased using a bequest from the late Allaster McDougall. Allaster and his wife Mary, were long standing and very active parishioners of St John’s from the early 1960s. Allaster held both Parish Councillor and a Warden position for many years. He loved his music, particularly organ music, and took great interest in the ‘updating’ of the Pogson. The timing of his bequest coincided with the request from the Music Director for purchase of a Continuo style organ – Council considered it a very fitting application of the bequest.
It has wider resources than would seem from its small and portable size, and it is quite capable of supporting large congregations. It has proved invaluable during our various service rearrangements during the Covid-19 pandemic.
To hire this wonderful instrument, please contact the Director of Music via the office.