Lay Ministries
We have parishioners who are altar servers, lay ministers of communion, musicians, choir, church cleaners, brass cleaners, flower arrangers and people who care for the grounds.
We have teachers and helpers for scripture in our local schools. There are readers and intercessors, sidespeople and welcomers for the Eucharist; the Baptism Preparation team; Youth Group, Godly play and Playtime helpers. There are those who make meals for sick parishioners or transport them to appointments, or put on a ‘cuppa’ after the services or after a funeral.
We have a dedicated Entertainment and Activities Committee and also a team of Op Shop workers who tirelessly strive to raise money for the Parish and to extend our outreach to the wider community.
There are opportunities for education and fellowship with Mothers Union, Caritas, Men’s Group and Bible study groups.
Contact Us
A phone call to the office 9971 8694 or email: can give you the name of the person to contact if you feel you would like to be involved in any of these activities.
We at St John’s take seriously our Lord’s call to ALL Christians to serve him. This means both a ministry within the congregation AND a ministry in the world to spread the Gospel and to tangibly show the love of Jesus Christ in our lives.